Together, we can!
St Mary’s HSA is a registered charity whose ultimate aim is to help advance the education of our children.
With funding increasingly tight, (schools sadly aren’t immune to energy price rises), the money that our community raises through the HSA fundraising events makes a genuine and tangible difference to the experience that our children have at St Mary’s.
Examples of items that the HSA have funded are as diverse as outdoor play equipment, interactive whiteboards, library books and a wide range of curriculum resources including maths, phonics, science, DT, history and geography.
Meet the Trustees
Natasha Paul
Charlotte Thomas
Vice Chair
Mary Bennison
Deanna Smith
Newsletter 〰️
Check out our new newsletter each half term to find out all the important information about what’s happening and how funds raised have been spent!
How can you help?
These are challenging times for many and we recognise that not everyone in the school community will be in a position to give financially to the HSA cause.
However, we do ask that you consider supporting the organisation with your time. Below are the areas of support that are required within each fundraising event + campaign. As the saying goes, every little helps. All events are organised and run by parent volunteers within the committee and we would welcome any new faces to come along and show their support. Please get in touch with any of the above trustees personally or email